Saturday 30 June 2012

Finger Sketches - 1

I started the first sketch on the first day of school after summer break. I sketched a young lady playing her phone. I found it is very fun to sketch people around you. Some of my friends also told me that my sketches really look interesting to them as person in the picture is someone real in our life.

I Am taking MRT train from where i am staying to my work place. Normally it will take around 20 minutes every morning. I used to do reading on my iPad during this period of time. After downloading the drawing application, I decided to try to do sketching. As I do not know which station the person I am drawing will alight, I have to draw out his or her on my iPad as soon as possible. I do not really focus on unnecessary details such facial expression and colours. I just wish to catch the posture as much as I can.

I always wrote down the station name at where I completed the sketch.

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